Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The early Singapore birds.

Our Singapore pilot with a fun smile

The fun day for all pilots.....

Singapore pilots picture for the day

Live Helicopter taking off

DR Patrick with his P-40E Warhawk

Our Singapore friends saying "good-bye" for the day...

Our Singapore pilots enjoying themselves.....

Heli fly by....

Another picture of Heli

Live Heli landing next to us

JB pilot picture for the day

Raymond testing DR Patrick's Warhawk prior take off

The ladies for the day (oppsss....a guy also).

Raymond with his Heli for a picture for the day.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

DR Patrick with his new engine 4Stroke - 90

Part of our toys for the day.

Our singapore friend with his favourite.

Our Singapore friend with his toy.

Our Singapore pilots with their toys.

Our Singapore counterpart with his toy

Steven flying his Heli with great ease.

Ah Fook having ground pre-flight test.

John testing his engine.

John & Eddie having pre-flight test.

Raymond's Heli on Demo Table???